Beyond the Mirage

Wyndham Social × Young Soy Gallery | Beyond the Mirage by Francesco Lietti | Website Cover
Beyond the Mirage

Wyndham Social is proud to present Francesco Lietti’s solo show, Beyond the Mirage, in collaboration with Young Soy Gallery.

Reminiscent of the excitement of arriving by air to a faraway place, Beyond the Mirage encapsulates the plethora of sensations felt as one first enters this eclectic metropolis. Familiarity bleeding into strangeness, Lietti captures the overflowing promises of opportunity, the complex feelings of density, energy, and vibrancy of Asian cities within a cacophony of bright colours.

Through gentle abstraction, Lietti renders reality into a two-dimensional plane, evoking the sense of celebration and surprise that the city brings to us in every moment of every day. Whether it be the rolling hills, the matrix of skyscrapers, or even the fresh laundry hanging on balconies, Lietti does not fail to enliven the remarkably dense yet immensely human quality of this unique city in his oeuvre. Beyond the Mirage solicits us to see that tangled within the abstracted cityscape lies the true essence of a tightly-knit community, awakening a vision of ourselves as we really are and as we can be.

Beyond the Mirage
28 Sep - 19 Nov 2023

About the Artist

Francesco Lietti has been living in Hong Kong since early 2006 and his love of this vibrant, eclectic city is immediately apparent in his works, which derives from the mnemonic imagery of the artist, who lives in symbiosis with the themes of travel and discovery.

When first visiting Hong Kong in the summer of 2005, the painter experienced an overwhelming sensation: fascinated by the variety of colors, the rich smells, and the plethora of images he was drawn to return and stay. This exciting metropolis is something you cannot just put into a frame: something would spill out; something would be missing; one can catch the details, but he or she would never be able to capture the entire picture. The artist portrays this through simple and direct forms. He paints naïve visions that often have a humorous quality, describing the city in an almost caricatured magnificence. Through the use of striking colors the painter captures the essence of Hong Kong’s famous harbor skyline and makes it his own. His paintings hover between reality and fantasy. Using strong blocks of paint to represent the buildings, Lietti also includes smaller patches of textured color, which dance across the cityscape, giving it that dream-like, ephemeral quality. The artist works in acrylic and oils on canvas and also adds collage to give his paintings texture and depth. He then finishes his pieces with a thick, glossy resin, further enhancing the brightness of the colors.

Francesco was born in Lecco, on the southern shore of Lake Como in Italy. He studied architecture in Milan and furthered his studies in Paris at the École des Beaux-Arts, La Seine and also at the Clerkenwell College of Printing in London. His works are featured in private collections worldwide.

About Young Soy Gallery

Young Soy is an art gallery dedicated to the everlasting quest of cultivating and celebrating radical cultural influences.

Under the gallery's representation lives a diverse cohort of artists forming not only different styles but also different backgrounds and ideologies. This enables the gallery to push the envelope, challenge their audiences and continuously expose them to a range of concepts. Young Soy prides itself on representing these artists under the belief that these artists have the potential to claim a position in art history, and potentially even history itself.

The gallery also follows a code of supreme inclusion, meaning they encourage the masses to participate in the dialogue surrounding the artists, and artwork alike. Through the exhibition of such artists and the inclusion of the masses, the gallery remains steadfast in its delirious hopes of making the world a better, more interesting place to live.